Grow Chilli @ Home!!!!

Growing your own vegetatble at home is definatly an achievement. And though I knew that i won't be able to grow everything that i need at home, i at least wanted somethings from my own kitchen garden. Thus began the quest to grow the vegetables and Chilli topped my list. The reason being, Chilli is super simple to grow. Well that was my thought before. Now, harvesting my chillies at home, i'll still say its super simple provided one takes care about these simple things :)

You can always get chilli saplings from the nursary but why do that when all you need to do is scatter some chilli seeds to get your seedlings :) Well thats how i started. I scattered about 30+ seeds in my small pot(Mistake No. 1). It taught me, always use big pots or better still, plant chillies on ground!

Mistake number 2 happened when i transplanted the seedlings to the ground i prepared. I had this huge papaya tree providing shade(which I thought was neccessary-never want my seedling to roast in that hot sun) however, i was sad to see that my "Selected Sampling" aren't growing good. They are still with 5 leaves while the one's i abandoned (in that same small pot) in hot sun are merrily growing. 
And the inference here....Grow your chillies in spot which recieves good sunlight. A light shade during the hot afternoon is good but the chilli plant will still be more happy with hot sun and yes enough water(which will help it to combat the heat!!!)

Well...its time now for Mistake no. 3 :( so now i thought that i will replant my chillies from that small pot to a bigger one. So, i pick up the most healthiest from the lot and replant it in a bigger pot. So whats the mistake??? the mistake was repotting the plant now that it has grown nicely. More than a week of repotting it still, the leaves are down and agitated :(

But one learns from their mistake(and don't wait to do your own mistake...u can learn from mine)...

Now my chillies are doing good :) and i'm harvesting them fine....feels good when you cook what you produce ;)

This is one of the most spiciest chili :) looks small but potent called the bird eye chili as it resembles a bird eye 

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