Toastmasters CC :: Project 2 – Organise your Speech


It was a dark stormy night. The clouds were rolling in and it had started to rain. The deep rumbling of the dark clouds confirmed the incoming thunderstorm. What would you do on such a night? <Question to Audience> Quite interesting, but do you know what he did he do? He, was out there, in that dark stormy night, flying a kite!
Fellow Toastmaster, it was 15 June 1752 when Benjamin Franklin did his famous kite flying experiment in Pennsylvania. He was thus credited as the inventor of electricity. Contrary to what you might think, he, was not the inventor. In fact nobody was. Electricity was discovered. Its history dates back to 600 BC when the ancient Greeks found that if you rub a piece of Amber, you could attract small bits of paper. It is nothing but static electricity as we call it today.
The journey has begun with a humble amber. The word Amber in Greek was translated to the word electricity in English by William Gilbert in 1600s and since then, there has been an inexorable chain of events, discoveries and inventions which has paved the way of the modern day electricity. We owe, this privilege to have an electrified life to these great people. I cannot help but mention a few like Otto Vann, William Watson, Alexander Volta, and of course Thomas Alva Edison, whose invention of electric bulb bought electricity to our household and sure enough, household is the biggest consumer of electricity.
Imagine just one day in your life without electricity. It’s tough isn’t it? That’s because this privilege has become a necessity today and we are dependent on it. Round the clock. From the moment we get up till we go back to sleep. In fact, even while we are sleeping. Being the biggest consumer of electricity, the household is sadly the most wasteful and pollution causing too. In today’s speech we will see how we cause this pollution and ways to prevent it. Now, how do we cause pollution by merely using electricity? When you plug in your charger, it does not smoke, it does not create any harmful gases so how do you cause pollution.
On an average, a medium size house does more pollution than what a car or a bike does and it does so, at the power plant where fossil fuels like Coal, natural oil and gases are burned to generate electricity. Fossil fuels or non-renewable sources of energy as they are popularly called, take millions of years to be formed. Once they are burned, Poof! They are gone forever. They are burned in order to generate electricity but with that, they also generate a lot of by product which can cause global warming, irreversible damage to delicate ecosystem like tundra, coral reefs and mangroves, extinction of endemic species, rapid spreading of diseases, powerful heat waves and tornados, recurring draught and flood so on and so forth.
What can we do to prevent this? Can we stop the generation of electricity? No, that will not be possible. Alternative ways to generate electricity like Wind energy, hydro energy, nuclear energy and solar energy are considered and used too. But still, the majority of electricity generation is done using burning of fossil fuels.
Let’s look at an option that we have in our hand. Can we save electricity? The conservation of electricity is far simpler but let’s look at it by first changing our attitude towards it. When I had once switched off my colleagues computer monitor, he asked me - why are you bothered about it? What bit will you save by it and anyways, the company pays for it. Fellow Toastmasters, it’s high time now that we start realizing the ways in which we are damaging our environment. And by the way, every bit counts.
In short, I would like to outline 3 methods of saving electricity which you can remember using the Acronym SEA. Save-Exchange-Avoid.
About saving electricity, I’m sure that I need not tell you that you should switch off all the lights fan and AC when not in use, ensure that the room is completely closed before switching to the AC, should not put hot food in refrigerator. Simple thigs like shutting down the water while brushing your teeth and taking a shorter shower will help as electricity is required to pump water to the tank. These are things we teach our kids at school but quite honestly, do we do it?
For the exchange part, we can replace our normal bulbs with CFL or LED, exchange the old TV, refrigerator and washing machine with a newer energy efficient one. Replace normal geyser with a solar one which itself will bring down the cost drastically.
But what is better than to avoid high usage of electricity? Try using fan instead of AC whenever possible. Rearrange furniture around your house so as to allow maximum daylight to pour in. Plant more trees around your home which will bring down the temperature and hence the cooling cost.  
So you see, with so many tips, tricks and alternatives, it’s after all not very difficult to save electricity. Many activities and speeches have already delineated this topic. Some motivated the audience while other failed to meet its objective.
Did I meet the objectives of today’s speech? In literal sense, my evaluator here is the best person to tell me that but in deeper sense, I will achieve my objective if at least one person sitting in this room will think about what I have said today. If you will think about switching off your monitor today. If you will consider to use the staircase instead of the elevator just to climb up or down a couple of floors.
Remember SEA à Save-Exchange-Avoid. Let’s make this as our common goal and help each other to achieve it.

Over to the Toastmaster of the day.

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